islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ah. Really... how long has it been? I almost forgot that I had a blog.

How has it been for you guys? Time flies and we don't even notice it. Soon, it would be 2012. Will the world really end? I wonder..

I picked up Parkour and Freerunning. Basically, you guys should already know what it is. It is to get to Point A to Point B as quickly as possible, doing vaults,jumping and flips.

So... yeah, I would probably be putting up videos and photos of me doing parkour/freerunning soon.

'Life? What is life?'

Squeaks` @* 5:57 AM

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sister ah, lol. Your post make me feel so noble, singing all praises about me. But still , I don't remember some of the things I helped you lol. Cannot help it ah, I have short term memory, as you know. So cannot blame me ah !

Well,it is my duty to concern when your in trouble or when your feeling down. Perhaps, a confronter?And also, I guess your the first girl who I can talk to so easily.Applies for you as well, I guess?

Cheer up okay, don't everytime be sad. It's not good for your health. Stay happy always! Whatever you do, just know that life goes on no matter what.And also, life is short, so why not enjoy now before we don't get the chance?

Thanks for being there for me when I'm bored, by chatting with me, or else I don't know what will I do to keep myself from not being bored.
Thanks alot !

Squeaks` @* 12:47 AM

Hi all!

Okay, so today is the last day of the March holidays, oh my gosh !! Need to go back school tomorrow, sigh... Why couldn't holidays be much longer? But true enough, students always think that holidays aren't long enough, obviously.. they want to not go to school and have homework.

Today, woke up in the morning, rushed my homework, lol. Tomorrow is the dateline and I managed to finish them. Well, there's only 2 assignments to do, so it's quite easy to complete it.

And I'm now, sitting in front of the computer, typing all these and also talking to someone else.

lol, this post is quite boring, I know.

Squeaks` @* 12:12 AM

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hi all.

Well, I believe in this saying, 'It takes just one person to start something moving'.
Okay,I'll give example.
Singaporeans, known to be 'Kiasu' or maybe 'Kiasi' or 'Kaypo', if they see long queues around, they'll join. As they know, they are either giving out free stuffs or maybe have a great discount.Funny people..

But it sure is good to be a singaporean, we get to avoid natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis or volcano eruptions. Perhaps all the natural disasters?
So... we shouldn't really complain or anything.

Treasure your life, there is many dangers out there, but we only have one life. We cannot afford to risk that one life for the many dangers.

Squeaks` @* 7:28 PM

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hi all.So yeah... March holidays have started...
Hmm.. today I woke up at around... 7am? I woke up this early cause going to have a jog at the Tampines Stadium with friend. Chosen 7am because the sun isn't out yet, so it will be quite cooling to jog.You guys should try.
So... after jogging, my friend and I went for a swim at Tampines Swimming Complex.We didn't really swim.. just went there to chill out. I guess I should jog daily..

So, about the recent news of the earthquake and tsunami and even volcano eruptions in Japan, and a volcano eruption in Indonesia, it has really shocked me to see what is happening to this world.You know, we really take it for granted.I mean,even people taking the initiative to mention Mother Earth is suffering, but do we really care?We just continue harming Mother Earth, and look? What is happening now?Let's just pray for Japan and hope that there are lesser natural disasters in the future.


Squeaks` @* 4:00 AM

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hello! Today is a Saturday, for me, my routine on Saturday is
Wake up,brush my teeth,eat breakfast, play computer, play till lunch time,after lunch play computer,play till night, then go over to my uncle house, then play the computer there. Quite a cool routine, huh?

Darn this, the programme 'Garena' that is in my computer ain't working, so I can't play my favourite game 'Defense of the Ancients', it's acronym, 'DotA'. Let me explain the game.. It's basically some kind of war game, where you may choose a hero out of 103 heroes, use the hero to play the entire game, get as many levels as you can, but the maximum level is 25. Add skill points and kill each other in the game. It's an online game, so, many people like to play this game. It's addictive and nice, and I would introduce this game to all of you.

Sigh, everytime during Saturday, it's always like this. Seems like I'm rotting at home, I have to go out with friends soon, or as I'll be called a nerd(Oh wait,I'm already a nerd) LOL.

Okay, that's all for today.Not really much to post for today cause not much activities to be done on Saturdays.

Squeaks` @* 12:59 AM

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ahhh, so I have been updating my blog almost everyday now huh?

So today in class, very fun. Basically, nothing to do right, so we took chairs and put them together, and challenged each other to jump over the chair. It's kinda challenging, since the chairs are put back to back. Well, it's a challenge from my friends, so I accepted and tried it out. And I actually jumped over the two chairs! My classmates were all clapping, then.Objects can be made to fun stuffs too!

After school, went to the playground down my block with Zhenghao, zachary and yangshen.
Had fun there, did stuffs like parkour and other stuff.

Squeaks` @* 3:51 AM